Sunday, July 17, 2011

Should I be calling my surgeon?

On April 1st, I had an ACL reconstruction surgery and meniscus repair done on my knee. The ACL graft was taken from a donor. I had pain for a few days from my knee but now I am having trouble with my leg hurting. My knee is hardly bothering me at all. The part that is hurting is the part of the leg between knee and ankle in the front of the leg and it's only on the left side of my leg. Today I started having sharp, shooting pain from about the middle of the leg down into my foot. My leg has been hurting in this area for about 3 days. I'm icing it almost 24/7 and taking very strong pain meds for it. I don't know what else to do for it. Can't even do my physical therapy exercises because it hurts so bad to move my leg. I am non weight bearing on this leg for 3 more weeks. I am not worried about blood clots or anything like that because the surgeon who did my surgery has me on daily meds(for 6 weeks) to prevent blood clots. I still have stitches in my knee and the incision sites all look good. I do not get my stitches out for 2 1/2 more weeks. So should I be calling my surgeon in the morning?

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