Saturday, July 16, 2011

What are the chances he needs another surgery?

My boyfriend had his medial meniscus repair on December 30. He has been out of his brace and cleared to do things again as long as he is smart about them. His last doctors appointment was supposed to be on March 30 but the doctor ended up having to drain his knee again (this was the second time) of all the fluid so they made another appointment for April 30. After they drained his knee, the swelling was down for a few days and then he decided to run a good four miles (the first time he had since before his surgery). His knee didn't hurt and he has had very little to no pain at all. After his run, his knee swelled up again so he went to see his school trainer who said that he might need surgery again if the swelling doesn't go down. He's been taking ibruprophen twice a day and the swelling is almost compleatly gone and he has no pain and was even able to run yesterday without pain. Do you think his meniscus in not healed and will he need another surgery? He isn't in pain though so would pain be a symptom that it isn't healed?

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